Pro Tips


First and foremost please don't stress! Yes it's hugely important, yes you want to find the perfect one and that's why we're here! Once you make an appointment here are some pro tips for your appointment!
  1. Sometimes the picture isn't the one. If you've tried on 20 versions of the same dress and aren't in love it's likely because your heart knows you need something else. Remember you want to look AND feel fabulous! Be open to ideas. 
  2. Please please eat something! Shopping while starving is no fun, and girl we are here to have fun!
  3. Try your best not to bring folks that have a negative vibe with you. You don't need that stress! If it's someone you can't leave out give your stylist a heads up, we are pro's at handling that kind of crazy.




4. On the flip side bring your decision makers with you. I can't tell you how many girls walk in saying they are absolutely not buying that day and then do.

5. If you'll feel more comfortable, bring a strapless bra, this is totally up to you. But for the love of all thats holy please wear panties!

6. You only get one first time! Start with the best salon obviously but also remember to be in the moment. Take it all in, put your phone away and let your tribe take the pics. Breathe, relax, your body and heart will tell you if it's the dress, don't linger on the maybes.

7. Be a better version of you. We always say the most beautiful bride is the one that is just a dressed up version of herself. Don't let others tell you what to wear, this is not the day to settle. You don't want to just look amazing, you want to feel amazing! So leave that people pleasing at the door (trust me, we all have it) and be true to you.



8. While we all love opinions and input making such important decisions, the final one is yours. Own it!

9. Don't delete the "ugly" pics. You'll look back on those down the road and some of them will become your favorites!

10. Don't live in FOMO. Shopping for a gown is like finding your groom. When you know you know, quit looking. There are thousands of beautiful gowns in thousands of salons. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to see it all. It kinda ruins the experience for you and so many brides end up settling out of sheet exhaustion.


XO, Jan & Team